What’s a Startup Internship Fair?
On April 7th, FoundersForge and ETSU College of Business and Technology held a Startup Internship Fair. The demand by students has continued to increase and to better provide students with access to our region’s most innovative startups, we’ve built this page to connect everyone.

Traditional Job Fairs typically overshadow innovative startups. A giant booth display by Eastman next to a local startup can create an inaccurate perspective of the new company. By leveling the playing field and only focusing on startups at our Internship Fair, we can provide an accessible platform for students to connect with some of the best companies our region has to offer!

At the event, Startups pitch their company and internship positions to students, and then everyone networks to learn more. Internships are offered directly between the Startups and the Students.

Why Work at a Startup?
At a startup, your work will matter. Instead of getting coffee, working on an auxiliary project, or job shadowing you will be part of the team. You might even lead marketing, social media, or other aspects of the company during your time with the Startup. These opportunities are unique experiences that will give you valuable experience to launch your career. You might even land a full-time job with a company you love after your internship is over!

How to Apply to a Startup:
Below you will see videos of each company that is looking for social media, developers, finance, video, etc. help. Each company lists what they are looking for. Not sure what is the best fit? Reach out to them! 

Simply press the apply button to send the company an email, introduce yourself, and provide a resume!

Meet the Startups

FoundersForge is a non-profit that is dedicated to the underdog entrepreneurs and in helping them on their startup journeys. The Director, David Nelson, shares a couple of quick thoughts and highlights why you should work for a startup!

Spark Plaza
Make Your Mark

JEB Foundation
Homecare for the Elderly

Economic Development App
Change How Regions Recruit and Develop

An App for Lawncare Professionals

Blue Sky Cyber Security
Fighting Back Against the Internet of Threats

A Downtown Johnson City Grocery

Gellyball Tri-Cities
Homecare for the Elderly

Green Llama
All Natural and Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Continuum Outdoors
Investment Company for the Outdoors, Mobile, and Drone Technology

Make Your Bathroom Shower Beautiful!

Encouraging Fitness Through a Community Focused Mobile App

Help Me Stream
Bringing Streaming Content to the World,
One Computer at a Time

The Stable Mode
Helping People with Hypermobility Through
Physical Therapy & Training