Dev Roundtable: Pros, Cons, and Career Strategies for Big VS Small Companies

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

TriDev is a monthly software development meetup with a wide range of topics in order to mix a wide range of people. Topics include code, IoT and maker projects, VR/AR, design, soft skills, leadership, and more. Each meetup starts at 6PM with a few minutes of chat and networking. At 6:15 a speaker gives the […]

Software Developer Meetup!

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

TriDev is a monthly software development meetup with a wide range of topics in order to mix a wide range of people. Topics include code, IoT and maker projects, VR/AR, design, soft skills, leadership, and more. Each meetup starts at 6PM with a few minutes of chat and networking. At 6:15 a speaker gives the […]

Lightening Talks and Tools/Tips

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

This month we're crowd-sourcing the best tools and tips from around the group. We'll have a series of lightening talks (short 5~7 minute "show and tell" style talks) where we'll get a peek into other developers' workflows and the tools that make them productive. If you have something you'd like to show (even if you […]

Software Developer Meetup!

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

TriDev is a monthly software development meetup with a wide range of topics in order to mix a wide range of people. Topics include code, IoT and maker projects, VR/AR, design, soft skills, leadership, and more. Each meetup starts at 6PM with a few minutes of chat and networking. At 6:15 a speaker gives the […]

Software Developer Meetup!

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

TriDev is a monthly software development meetup with a wide range of topics in order to mix a wide range of people. Topics include code, IoT and maker projects, VR/AR, […]

Software Developer Meetup!

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

TriDev is a monthly software development meetup with a wide range of topics in order to mix a wide range of people. Topics include code, IoT and maker projects, VR/AR, […]

Building Practical LLM Apps and Automations w/Ryan Hayes

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

It feels like everyone is building LLMs and chatbots these days, and rightly so! ChatGPT and LLMs have made canned if/else chat flows feel as dated as a calendar. But […]

LLMs and You w/Jacob Windle

Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

Hear a lot about LLMs and don't know where to start? This talk will guide you gently through the world of LLMs and how to interact with them. I will […]


Spark Plaza 404 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN, United States

A NEW meetup designed to help founders and aspiring founders learn, connect, and grow.Topic: Validating Ideas and Product Market Fit Amplify423 is a NEW series of events and workshops dedicated […]